Responding to Polls
During a meeting, the chair can send polls to gather information from the meeting participants. For example, the chair might ask participants to choose which job candidate to hire. You respond to polls by completing the "Respond to Poll" dialog box that appears on your screen.
Only the chair sees your answers to poll questions. If anonymous responses are allowed, the chair sees your answers but cannot see your name.
To respond to a poll:
- Select or enter your answer(s) to the poll question in the "Respond to Poll" dialog box. (Click Cancel if you do not want to respond to the poll. You are counted as "Did not participate in poll" in the tallied poll responses.)
Tip If the chair specifies anonymous responses to the poll, a "Respond to Poll Anonymously" dialog box appears on your screen. When poll responses are anonymous, your name does not appear when the chair views the individual responses.
- Click OK. The responses are immediately updated to include your answers.
See also: